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Solar Light Installation

Installing solar lights in the community of Sitio Alao

In collaboration with Litre of Light (LOL), Project Luminaire 10 has successfully provided 130 pipe lights and installed 6 street lamps, empowering the community of Sitio Alao with reliable and renewable lighting sources.

Orientation and Installation Planning:

Our volunteers met with the Sitio Alao Community Key Persons to gain a comprehensive understanding of the areas requiring street lights. Through productive discussions and careful planning, we identified the optimal locations for installation, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety. This orientation process enabled us to align our efforts with the specific needs of the community.

House Light Distribution and Street Lamp Installation:

Recognizing the importance of lighting at the individual household level, we distributed house lights to the villagers. These lights provided illumination for their homes, enhancing safety and enabling various activities after sunset. Additionally, our team embarked on the installation of street lamps, strategically positioning them throughout the village. To ensure stability, the street lamps were securely fixed onto bamboo poles and buried approximately 1 meter deep into the ground.

Handwritten notes of our donors for that extra sentimental value!

Solar Lights Workshop and Installation Training:

We conducted a comprehensive solar lights workshop to educate the villagers on the installation, usage, and maintenance of the lights. Our volunteers provided hands-on training, and informative pamphlets, empowering the community with the knowledge and skills necessary for the long-term sustainability of the lighting project. This workshop served as an empowering platform for the villagers, fostering a sense of ownership and self-reliance.

Light Maintenance, Repair, and Additional Installations:

A week after installation, our team revisited the community to conduct light maintenance, repair any issues that may have arisen, and address any additional lighting requirements. We ensured that the solar lights continued to function optimally, allowing the villagers to benefit from consistent and reliable lighting. This follow-up visit underscored our commitment to the sustainability of the lighting solutions in the village.

Interviews and Feedback Collection:

As part of our dedication to continuous improvement, we conducted interviews with the community members to gather feedback on how the lights had impacted their lives. We actively listened to their experiences, insights, and suggestions, enabling us to refine our approach and identify areas for improvement to be used for futer iterations of Project Luminaire.

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