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Rest & Relax

Rest for the weary: It's time to kick back and have a blast during our days off!

At Project Luminaire, we understand the importance of balancing hard work with moments of relaxation and rejuvenation. The Rest and Relax (R&R) segment of our program allows volunteers to unwind, create memories, and connect with fellow volunteers in a relaxed setting. From delightful dinners and campfire nights to island-hopping adventures and thrilling activities at Camp Kainomayan, this segment ensures that our volunteers return home not only with a sense of fulfillment from their volunteer work but also with cherished experiences and a renewed spirit. Join us on this journey of making a difference while also taking time to rest, recharge, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us.

Campfire Night:

After dedicating our time and energy to meaningful projects, it's essential to come together and enjoy a well-deserved dinner and campfire night. We gather around a warm fire, sharing stories, laughter, and delicious food. This cozy gathering allows us to foster deeper connections with fellow volunteers, creating a sense of camaraderie and building lasting friendships.

Island Hopping to Anawangin Cove:

To truly embrace the beauty of nature, we organize an exhilarating island hopping excursion to Anawangin Cove. We venture out into crystal-clear waters, exploring picturesque islands and experiencing the serenity of untouched beaches. This adventure provides an opportunity to connect with nature, soak up the sun, and enjoy the stunning coastal landscapes.

Camp Kainomayan:

Our Rest and Relax segment includes a visit to Camp Kainomayan, a recreational facility offering a range of exciting activities. Here, volunteers can choose from an array of thrilling options such as ATV rides, ziplines, swimming in the pool, and even horse riding.

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