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Raising funds for the journey ahead!

Our Valentine's Day Fundraiser was a true collaboration between our volunteers and a variety of local small businesses. We partnered with these businesses to offer a diverse range of products, from delicious cookies and snacks to handmade items, tarot card readings, crochet flowers, nuts, stickers, handmade embroidered cup sleeves, and handmade beaded bracelets. Each product carried a unique touch, showcasing the talents and creativity of our partners.

The response to our fundraiser was beyond our expectations, and the impact it made was profound. Together, we raised a total of $9711.12 SGD in revenue, with an impressive $6502.06 SGD in profits. These funds will go a long way in supporting our upcoming trip and our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported our Valentine's Day Fundraiser. From the local businesses that generously contributed their products to the individuals who purchased these items, your support has a far-reaching impact. Your contributions enable us to continue our work and bring meaningful change to the communities we serve.

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