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Illuminating Minds: Teaching at Alao Elementary School

Our Why and the Graduation Rate:

Our Teaching Program is born out of a deep understanding of the critical role education plays in breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals to make informed life decisions.

The Philippines, like many countries, grapples with an alarming dropout rate that severely hinders educational progress and limits the opportunities available to its youth. A pivotal aspect of our Why centers around the fact that education is not consistently prioritized in certain communities. For various socio-economic reasons, students often face obstacles in attending school regularly and completing their education (eg. poverty, lack of resources, and family responsibilities).

This reality underlines the urgency of our commitment to bridge the gap, ensuring that the students of Alao Elementary School receive the support, resources, and quality education they deserve. Through our Teaching Programme, we aim to equip the students with the tools they need to shape their own futures.

Tailored Lesson Plans and Collaboration:

Through tailored lesson plans, collaboration with teachers, and an immersive experience, our volunteers are not only teaching subjects but also imparting life skills and instilling values that pave the way for a brighter future.

Our carefully crafted lesson plans align with the pre-existing subjects taught at Alao Elementary School.

Subjects taught:

  1. English

  2. Math

  3. Science

  4. Technology and Livelihood

  5. Cultural Exchange

  6. Health and Physical Education

  7. Values and Entrepreneurship Skills

While creating lesson plans, we wanted to ensure that the students receive a well-rounded education that nurtures both their academic growth and character development. Our aim was to ignite a passion for learning, inspire personal growth, and empower these young minds to dream big.

Collaboration with Teachers:

We recognize the invaluable role that the teachers at Alao Elementary School play in the students' lives. Our volunteers work closely with these dedicated educators to understand the unique needs of the children, the teaching methodologies that work best, and the challenges they face. This collaboration fosters a harmonious exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise, enriching the teaching and learning experience for everyone involved.

Immersive Experience and Community Connection:

To truly understand the challenges and experiences of the students and the community, our volunteers spent ten days sleeping on school grounds while actively teaching. This immersive approach allows us to be fully present, engage with the community, and develop a deeper understanding of the way of life of the local community.

By living within the school environment, our volunteers gain insights that go beyond the classroom. We immerse ourselves in the community's daily routines, challenges, and triumphs. This firsthand experience fuels our empathy and shapes the way we approach teaching, ensuring that our efforts are aligned with the students' needs and aspirations.

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