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Shermaine Low

Marketing Executive

I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to give back to society and support the under-resourced community in the Philippines through Project Luminaire. During my time at Alao Elementary School, I not only had the chance to teach the children but also to contribute to the installation of solar lights in areas lacking street lighting.

This trip has truly been an eye-opener for me. Hearing the heartfelt thanks from the teachers for our efforts and learning how the villagers can now extend their evening gatherings due to the new solar lights reminded me of the significant impact we've made on many lives. Seeing the joy on the faces of the community members as they realised the positive changes brought about by our work was incredibly moving. It demonstrated the importance of even the smallest acts of kindness and the ripple effect they can have on a community.

Moreover, this experience has taught me to be more grateful for everything I have. Witnessing the challenges faced by these communities and their resilience has made me appreciate the privileges I enjoy and inspired me to continue helping others. I have learned to value the basic amenities and opportunities that I often take for granted. This journey has not only enriched my understanding of global issues but also deepened my empathy and inspired me to continue contributing meaningfully to the world around me.

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