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Sarah Sim

Programme Executive

Being part of PL11 has been such a privilege, I have learnt so much during this trip and made some of the fondest memories during our time in Zambales, be it in Alao Elementary School or during the solar light installations.

This experience was like no other, I joined PL11 hoping to be able to give back to the community, but little did I know that this experience will leave me feeling like I received as much as I gave. Every interaction was filled with genuine kindness and love, from the teachers and students at Alao Elementary School to the various villages we visited during solar light installations, my heart never felt more warm and fulfilled. Seeing the smiles on the students face as they enjoyed the simple things in life that we often take for granted, helped me to learn to be more grateful for the little things I have. The students at Alao Elementary welcoming us with wide arms, embracing us with their hugs and laughter, their eagerness to learn and participate in classes made this whole experience so much more memorable. I hope our lessons and interactions with the children in Alao Elementary and the solar light installation across different villages will be able to bring light and hope to the community, illuminating their lives for the future. This experience was definitely an eye opener and has helped me to grow, and taught me to see the world through a different lens with more compassion and love.

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