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Regan Tan

Logistics Executive

I've always enjoyed travelling to rural areas to learn about the world and hopefully make a small contribution to the communities that I visit. Through travelling, I realise how fortunate I am to have been born with the opportunities that I have. Interacting with the locals in Zambales, including many young and bright minds in Alao Elementary, quickly became a stark reminder to me that across the world there’s someone just like me, with the same passion and love for the world, who is probably more capable and talented than I will ever be, except that he isn't given the same path and chances in life that I had. Being one of the lucky ones, I am reminded that I should not waste this life; use it to improve the lives of other human beings.

I am also extremely thankful to be part of such a great team. It is always easy to work with so many talented and hardworking people, especially under great leaders. I am blessed to be able to see how our efforts in installing the solar lights literally illuminate the lives of the communities we visited.

I am so proud to be part of PL11.

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