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Ong Jer Gg

Programme Executive

I was motivated by the valuable experience that was offered by the project which was going to rural areas as a group of students to help improve the quality of life for the people living there through the installation of the solar lights. I felt that it was an experience that people rarely get to go through and felt that it would be extremely rewarding and insightful which made me want to volunteer. After seeing how grateful and happy the residents in the community were, I felt happy and satisfied knowing that I managed to make a positive impact on their lives and felt that we could do so much more for them.

I enjoyed installing the solar lights and preparing lunch for the children in the school as seeing them feel so free and at ease whilst leading a simple life made me feel a sense of tranquility. Preparing food for them allowed me to see them grateful and happy for simple food while the lights allowed them to stay safe in the dark which made the experience very joyful knowing that my effort and hard work was greatly appreciated and made a positive impact in the children's lives.

I felt that my contribution through the installation of solar lights gave the villagers a sense of security in the night as now they would be able to have better vision when carrying out daily activities in the night or help them find their way better. Cooking food that was nutritious for the children and interacting with them during the classes we taught them made me feel that they were happier and had more fun which made me know that we made a positive impact in their lives as they would remember the positive memories that we gave them.

Volunteering has made me see life from a new perspective. I feel more grateful for the luxuries we enjoy in Singapore such as access to clean water, electricity, transport, food and security that the people in Philippines may not have. It has also reminded me to live each day more meaningfully as seeing the children remain carefree and happy was something that I felt was very worth learning, being happy by living simply. It has also made me want to give back more to the communities as I feel that there are so much more things that we can do to make their lives better.

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