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Megan Lim

Marketing Executive

I particularly enjoyed the solar light installation portion of our project, which involved digging holes, scouring for rocks, and setting up the solar light. As exhausting as it was, it was gratifying to see the immediate impact of our work. One of my most cherished memories was seeing the children dancing, jumping, and pointing towards our newly installed solar light in the dark. It quickly became their favourite spot, and watching their joy was incredibly heartwarming. Mingling with the children brought out our child-like innocence again, which was like a breath of fresh air.

Beyond the tangible we have provided such as our feeding programme and solar lights, what our team has got in return from Alao Elementary and the Cabangan community is profound and inexpressible. From their kind hospitality to their words of wisdom, there was something to take away every moment we were there. Every cultural exchange. Every joke shared. Every hardship suffered together. We undoubtedly became closer as a team and with the community. As I savoured the time spent, Project Luminaire became a cornerstone of my personal growth and reinforced my belief in giving back to society.

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