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Jenna Edison

Project Director

Project Luminaire will always hold a special place in my heart. It has truly been a blessing to not just be a part of, but to lead this service expedition together with my Co-Project Director and team of EXCOs. The nine months of dedicated planning and preparation in the lead-up to the trip was nothing short of rewarding and I’d do it all over again if I had to.

Waking up each morning at 5 AM to begin a new school day filled with the laughter and joy of the children of Alao Elementary was something I looked forward to every night there. Their smiles, the light in their eyes and eagerness to learn has ingrained so deeply into my heart, that it has made me feel like I have left a part of myself there coming back to Singapore. I found peace and serenity in the pitch black darkness of the night, the quiet early mornings and the presence and warmth of my team and the community there. Speaking and interacting with the locals in Zambales gave me insight as to just how hospitable, kind and caring they are and how much they appreciate the littlest things in life, albeit a home cooked meal or a simple conversation about their day. While I had gone there to serve, I feel as though I have gained more than I have given.

This has been a journey that has not only grown me but has taught me to cherish what I have, the affection and support of my loved ones, and to find joy in ordinary moments that are often overlooked. My time there in Zambales and role in Project Luminaire 11 has run its course, but the memories I’ve made with the community there and most importantly, the people who shaped Project Luminaire—the team—will now be a part of me, woven into the fabric of my life.

Thank you PL11 for this fulfilling experience that you have gifted me with, it has truly been a pleasure.

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