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Jaren Goh

Project Director

Leading Project Luminaire 11 has been an incredibly rewarding and humbling experience. Building on my experience as a member of Project Luminaire 10, I was determined to recreate the impact and extend it further for another iteration and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the communities in Zambales for another year.

It was heartwarming to see the students’ growth, from 2023 - 2024 and I was touched that the kids still remembered my name and affectionately called me "Kuya Jaren"; "Kuya" which means "brother" in Tagalog. One particular moment that almost brought me to tears was seeing Tyrone who was struggling with English last year, being able to speak it fluently now.

This tangible impact that we have created from our lessons last year showed that Project Luminaire not only illuminated their homes with sustainable solar power lights but also the kid's futures. I feel empowered knowing that even as a students, we made a positive impact on the children's lives.

Last but not least to my PL11 team, thank you for embarking on this journey and giving your utmost for everything. Every one of you contributed greatly to making Project Luminaire 11 an unforgettable experience.

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