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Hailey Yang

Marketing Director

Looking back at my journey with Project Luminaire 11, it was, in summary, a fulfilling and heartwarming one.

Embarking on the journey for the community, I have experienced tremendous personal growth. Time spent with the lovely students of Alao Elementary taught me the importance of finding happiness in the smallest things. A hug, a photo, or even a proper meal would bring them so much joy. Schooling might seem like a responsibility to some of us, but to the kids in Zambales, it is a chance—a chance for a brighter future and to dream beyond their current circumstances.

For many of these students, English is not just a language but a gateway to broader opportunities. It enables them to communicate beyond their local community, opening doors to education, employment, and cultural exchange.

The installation of solar lights by PL11 also played a crucial role. It not only illuminated their nights but also symbolized hope and progress for the community. The ability to contribute to this initiative left me profoundly moved and grateful.

Reflecting on these experiences allowed me to internalize the lessons of slow living and kindness towards others. I've learned the significance of taking time to connect with people and to appreciate the beauty of simplicity.

From the planning phase to my time in the Philippines, every moment, every chapter, and every person I met has taught me something invaluable that I will carry with me wherever I go. Thank you my PL11 team for such an unforgettable experience.

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