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Solar Light Installation

Illuminating lives: Lighting up the communities

Solar Light Installation

Our Project Luminaire 11 team members set out early in the morning to install solar street lights around Sitio Alao Elementary School and in the surrounding community areas. We conducted a simple workshop to teach the community members how to operate hand-held solar lights. With the help of our partner, Liter of Light, and community members, our members successfully and efficiently completed the installation.

Upon discussion and advice of our partner, PL11's goal lies in providing more pipe lights rather than streetlights. It was deemed more beneficial to the communities served this year. While numerically the impact figures of streetlights are significantly higher than that of the pipe lights, it was crucial that we served the specific needs of the community and have therefore chosen to provide them more of the latter.

In the after-service interviews, many community members expressed their gratitude and shared how the new streetlights have significantly improved their daily lives. They highlighted that the addition of these lights has greatly enhanced safety in the villages by improving visibility at night and reducing the risk of accidents or crime. Moreover, the lights contribute to a better living environment by enabling more activities after dark and fostering a greater sense of well-being among residents.

We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Liter of Light and the community members, for their invaluable guidance and assistance with the solar light installation.

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