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Rest and Recreation


Rest and Recreation

After ten days of dedicated service, our Project Luminaire 11 members were given the chance to enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation. The break provided members the opportunity to unwind, interact, and immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings. Our journey began with a delicious meal at Sundowners Club. The peaceful atmosphere made it the perfect place to relax and enjoy good food and company. The following day, we visited a nearby beach that offered a unique charm, from pristine beaches to crystal-clear waters. The kind local guides also introduced us to the beautiful sites of Zambales. In the evening, we gathered around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and chatting with each other under the starlit sky. This memorable experience brought everyone closer together, creating lasting memories. Not only was this rest and relaxation period a reward for our hard work, but also a chance to connect more deeply with each other and the beautiful environment around us.

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