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Reann Liu

Operations Executive

PL10 has definitely been one of the fondest memories I have made throughout my SMU journey thus far! From the planning process to the actual trip, every step of the way has been so eye opening and enjoyable.

From the moment we arrived in the community, we were welcomed with open arms by the locals who were not only grateful for our presence but so eager to get to know us as well. I was amazed by the strong sense of community and passion that the teachers had for teaching, and the genuine love and concern they had for the children.

My favourite memory from this project would definitely be the fulfilling but short time I had interacting with the children. It was an extremely eye opening experience, as I got to see how the children had relatively little compared to us Singaporeans, but yet were still filled with so much more joy than you would expect. It was amazing to see how friendly and open they were to receive us, and how excited they were for classes everyday.

Aside from putting a smile on the children's faces, I'm glad we managed to make tangible impact to the community by installing solar lights for them. It was a super unique experience being able to go through the whole process of installing street lights for the community - from digging the soil to planting the street lights into the ground. It was fulfilling knowing that we were able to light up their light impoverished community and make valuable impact.

Project Luminaire is definitely worth going for if you have the chance to and I'm so glad I did!

Reann Liu
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