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Nashwyn Singh

Logistics Executive

My experience going on pl10 was incredibly meaningful and something I will never forget. This trip helped me grow more as a person than I had initially expected. After seeing how some people there lived without basic necessities such as clean water and light, I started to realise how much I had taken these things for granted. It was quite moving seeing how despite all this, the children at the school managed to come to school with smiles and have fun despite some of them being very hungry. It was also quite impactful to see how much the community appreciated us coming down to install the lights and how much it had benefitted them.

Beyond the community service aspects, I was also taken aback at how hospitable and kind everyone was. They always put our needs before theirs and never hesitated to lend a helping hand whenever they could. They also accepted us with open arms and made sure we always felt welcomed.

I am very grateful to the PL10 team for keeping my spirits high and for always being there for me whenever I needed any help. I went into this trip only knowing a few of the team members but I left Philippines knowing that I had made many more friends that would last for years to come.

Nashwyn Singh
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