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Janna Leow

Marketing Executive

The Impact of Light

This is the picture I took with Prince Miguel, one of the students I taught at Sitio Alao Elementary School. Prince Miguel struck me as an incredibly bright kid. He was always a step ahead of his peers, finishing assignments faster than others, catching on quickly to new concepts, and always answering questions in class. It became evident early on that he possessed a curiosity and intellect that set him apart from his peers. His hunger for knowledge was inspiring. As I spent time with him, I couldn't help but be amazed at his potential.

However, it was impossible to ignore the reality that Prince Miguel's future was uncertain, despite his exceptional talents. Born into circumstances that offered limited access to quality education and resources, he faced an uphill battle in realizing his potential. This realisation hit home for me, making me acutely aware of the privilege we, as Singaporeans, enjoyed simply by growing up in a developed city, where opportunities for education and growth are abundant.

During our stay at the school, a memory of Miguel stands out vividly in my memory. He was the son of the utility family who lived on campus grounds to uphold the maintenance and cleanliness of the school compound. One night while the volunteers were getting ready for bed, I noticed Miguel seated under the light we installed in the school a few days before. He hunched over his notebook, diligently revising what he had learned earlier in the day.

Prince Miguel Studying Under a Newly-installed Light

Seeing him study under the light we installed struck a chord within me, as it exemplified the tangible impact of our project. The very light that many of us take for granted had the power to alter the course of a young boy's life, enabling him to study when previously he was confined to the constraints of daylight hours.

This journey with Project Luminaire has reminded me of the transformative power of education and the importance of extending opportunities to those who need them the most. It has made me even more appreciative of the privileges I was blessed with and inspired me to continue contributing in meaningful ways to uplift the lives of those less fortunate.

The Story Behind The Picture

On our final day at the school, as heartfelt goodbyes were exchanged and farewell photos were taken, Miguel brought a phone he borrowed from his parents and approached me for a picture. After snapping the photograph, he smiled and said that he would "keep it forever." I also took a shot of us on my phone to remember the moment, and he asked me to also keep it forever. It's a promise I'm more than happy to keep, as a memento of our time together and what I have learned from him.

While I came here to teach the local children, I found that lessons flowed both ways as they have left me many invaluable lessons as well. They have taught me that despite language barriers, relationships can be forged through many other means like play. While people may not understand your words, they can feel your sincerity. They have also taught me to adopt a new way of looking at life and how I approach contentment. These children may not be born into the most fortunate circumstances but still live life with so much colour, not letting their predicaments define them. They are so grateful for all that they have, which is something us Singaporeans should learn from. Our privileged perspectives may see them as having "little" but my experience in PL10 has shown me that they are far richer than me in many aspects.

The two weeks I spent in the Phillippines with PL10 are two weeks I will never forget. Joining Project Luminaire gave me a window into the lives of the community in Sitio Alao and an opportunity to truly make a difference in their lives. Such an immersive experience is hard to come by, and a two-month holiday to the Philippines wouldn't even come close. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to contribute to improving a community through teaching, cooking, playing, and many other ways.

To The Talented Team of PL10

Last but definitely not least, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for teaching me so much and for experiencing the countless ups and downs of this journey with me. I will be forever grateful for all the wonderful memories we made together. Till next time!

Janna Leow
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